Treatment for anorexia can be difficult because more often than not, sufferers do not think they are sick enough (or thin enough) to justify intervention. However, anyone who is suffering from anorexia or another eating disorder needs support and treatment, no matter the severity or perceived severity of the illness. You may be concerned that if you seek treatment you will be forced to eat, or that someone will come between you and your dieting and that this will ruin your chances of happiness or the achievement of a body you can live with; however the avoidance of treatment often leads to longstanding relationship difficulties as you try to hide yourself and your private world from others.
There are various approaches to treating anorexia. These include counselling, nutritional advice and in severe cases, hospitalisation. Generally people with anorexia need help to change not just their eating habits, but also the underlying issues which have been having such an adverse effect on their eating and body image.
Associated Counsellors & Psychologists Sydney works with psychologists who are specialists in women’s health issues and eating disorders. Our associated psychologists will take an integrated approach to treatment, but issues that are often addressed in counselling sessions include your eating behaviour and your feelings about your eating habits, your self confidence and how you feel about yourself, your background and what may have led you to feel or act in a certain way. Your psychologist will also guide and support you to find better ways to manage your eating and your health generally.
Please note that, in situations where the weight of an anorexic is so low or where the restriction is so severe that their health might be in danger, a period in a specialist hospital unit may be necessary to stabilise health and eating habits, or consultation by a GP may be required in conjunction with psychological treatment by a counsellor or psychologist.
To enquire about professional counselling by qualified Counsellors & Psychologists in Sydney call Associated Counsellors & Psychologists Sydney. We welcome your enquiry.