Psychologists Sydney / Eating Disorders / Eating Disorders Checklist
  • Eating disorders have become a serious problem in contemporary society.
  • Although historically eating disorders primarily affected younger women, psychology statistics show that it is not uncommon for men to also experience eating issues.
  • Below is a checklist to help you determine if you may have an eating disorder.

Eating Disorders

With so much emphasis on physical appearance in fashion and beauty magazines, it is no wonder that eating disorders have become a serious and significant problem for both men and women in our society. Very often eating disordered behaviour appears in the pre-teen years, and it is not at all unusual for youngsters to admit to having participated in at least one diet by the age of 10. Among young adults, rampant dieting is not at all unusual, in a bid to achieve often unrealistic weight loss goals. Sometimes, in the case of body builders or ballet dancers, extreme dieting and eating disorders develop out of a desire for unrealistic weight gain, referred to as “bulk.” While historically eating disorders and chronic dieting has been almost exclusively considered to be a problem among women, today it has become a problem among both women and men. In light of societal pressures to maintain a low weight and be thin, or a muscular physique ripped with lean muscle mass, to the point of being unhealthy either way, more and more young men are admitting to using dieting methods that can easily translate to eating disordered behaviours. (This article is electronically protected – Copyright © Associated Counsellors & Psychologists Sydney PTY LTD)

Answer the following basic checklist to determine if your own relationship with food and eating has become problematic:

Eating Disorders Checklist

Answer yes or no to the following questions
Do you feel pressured to be thin?
Do you feel you must be thin to be accepted by others?
Do you feel guilty about eating?
Do you have problems concentrating?
Do you often feel depressed and unhappy with body and/or self-image?
Do you feel the need to be perfect and the best in school, athletics and/or with weight control?
Do you feel that your weight is one of the few things in your life over which you have control?
Do you think about food almost all the time?
Do you diet excessively and/or abuse (over-use) laxatives, diet pills or diuretics?
Do you count all the calories in every single bite you eat?
Do you ever eat large amounts of food in a frenzy of hunger?
Do you feel out of control if you eat a large amount of food?
Do you feel you have become cut off from your family and friends?
Do you prefer eating by yourself?
Do you ever self-induce vomiting after eating, particularly after a binge?
Do you exercise for hours on end or beyond what others consider normal?
Do you feel fat even if others tell you that you are thin?
Does your weight go up and down dramatically?
If you are a woman, have your menstrual periods stopped or become irregular?

Please answer all questions!

Your Score

You have answered yes to question(s)

If you answered YES to at least 5 or more of the above questions, you may have issues with food, weight and body image.

If you answered YES to at least 5 or more of the above questions, you may have issues with food, weight and body image.

Where do I go for counselling or advice on unhealthy eating, diet and body image issues?

Eating disorders, especially anorexia, can cause serious health concerns. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may have developed an unhealthy relationship with food or may have an eating disorder, you should seek help immediately. If you would like to book a consultation with a qualified counsellor, psychologist or eating disoders therapist, or would like to obtain further advice, please contact Associated Counselors & Psychologists Sydney.

Common mispellings and alternative search terms used to find this page include: Anarexia, Bilimia, Wait Loss, Lose Wait Eating Disorder Checkllist, Anorexia Checklist, Bulimia Checkist, Megarexia, Anorexia Counseling, Eating Disorder Councillor, Anorexia Therapy, Bulimia Therepy, Eating Disorder Therepist; Eating Diorder Psychologist.


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