Psychologists Sydney / Depression / Online Depression Test

Wondering if you have depression, or are just a bit down? Take our online depression test and find out.

Depression Test - Do I have Depression?

Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?


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Am I sad, a bit low, or do I have depression?

Everyone goes through periods of life where they are not at their happiest, but how can we tell if our feelings are just normal sadness, as opposed to depression?

This depression self test is a handy tool to help you gain more insight into whether you may have depression. The tool can not diagnose depression but can predict the likelihood that you may be suffering from depression.

  • Do I have depression?
    Only a mental health professional such as a Psychologist, Mental Health Social Worker or a trained Medical Practitioner can diagnose you with depression. If you think that you might have depression, understand that it’s a complex mental illness that requires clinical support. Reach out to a professional for help and a diagnosis.
  • Can I self-test for depression?
    No, while an online depression test may give you an indication of whether or not you’re depressed, it’s only an indication. If you’re concerned about your mental health, seek professional support.
  • Can I diagnose myself with depression?
    No, only a general practitioner, psychologist or psychiatrist can diagnose you with depression in Australia. While a diagnosis isn’t always necessary to treat or manage the symptoms of depression, if it’s important to you, we can connect you to a mental health professional who can help. Please use the ‘book now’ button at the top of the page to schedule a session.
  • What is depression in simple words?
    A mood disorder that’s characterised by a persistent low mood, sadness, and feelings of disinterest. Depression can be mild or severe, and it can last for short periods of time or be ongoing over many years.
  • Can a blood test indicate depression?

    Yes, but research into blood tests for depression and mood disorder diagnoses is still ongoing. Past approaches have displayed “insufficient sensitivity and specificity for clinical use”, meaning the use of blood tests as a diagnostic tool is not reliable and therefore, not common.

    New research shows that blood tests using RNA markers could offer a viable way to diagnose depression, but further studies are necessary before this type of test is validated.

  • What age is at the most risk of depression?
    People aged 18 to 29, according to 2019 data from the CDC data. The prevalence of depression in this age group was 20.1%, slightly higher than in the 45 to 64 and 65+ groups, which both displayed a prevalence of 18.4%.

    Australian Bureau of Statistics figures from 2020-2021 show that 14% of people in the 15 to 24 age group had depression.
  • Does depression look the same in everyone?
    No, depression is different for everyone and the symptoms vary in type and intensity. What all types of depression or depressive episodes have in common, though, is symptoms that affect our ability to function in daily life.
  • What is the worst type of depression?
    All depressive disorders are debilitating, so there is no ‘worst’ type. Major depression (also known as clinical depression) can last weeks, months, or years with little reprieve from the symptoms.
  • What factors increase the risk of depression?
    • Gender
    • Genetics
    • Stress levels
    • Age
    • Socio-economic status
    • Ethnicity
    • Personality traits
    • History of trauma and/or abuse
    • Personal health
    • Grief or loss
  • How do you confirm depression?
    Through consultation with a psychologist, psychiatrist or a general practitioner. Only these medical and mental health professionals can diagnose depression in Australia. An online depression test may give you an indication of depression, however, these tests are not a substitute for dedicated mental health support.
  • What Causes Depression?
    A range of factors that includes but is not limited to: mood regulation issues, genetics, social setting, stress and anxiety, hormone regulation, medications, abuse, grief, conflict, and even demographics. Depression is a complex disease and the factors that can cause depression may act independently or they may be interrelated. Everyone is different and we all experience, perceive, and react to the world in different ways. As such, there is no single, universal ‘cause’ of depression. Getting on top of depression can be hard, and may you need professional help to understand the roots of your own depression and how to best manage it. If you’re struggling, please call a member of our team and we can assist you by connecting you with a suitable professional.
  • How Depressed am I?
    An online test may indicate that it’s time to seek professional help for depression. Associated Counsellors & Psychologists has created the short test above to help you gauge your current feelings and situation. It should be noted that this test, although helpful as an indicator of depression, is not nor was intended to replace quality mental health services. If you’re struggling and need someone to talk to, please call us today and we can connect you to a professional therapist.